NYC Food Resources for the 2024 Holiday Season

holiday food giveaway

Since the pandemic, one in every three New York City residents has used a food pantry, according to a recent study from Robin Hood and Columbia University. Here, City Limits rounds up a list of where people can find food assistance and other anti-hunger resources.

holiday food giveaway

NYC Council/John McCarten

A turkey giveaway in 2019.

Next week, many New Yorkers will sit down to home-cooked Thanksgiving meals. But many others won’t be able to, or will struggle to afford doing so—a stark reality in a city where high cost of living, inflation and other factors fuel food insecurity year-round.

That need has only increased in recent years: One in every three New York City residents reported using a food pantry during the three years following the pandemic, according to a report released earlier this week from Robin Hood and Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy. For families with children, the rate was even higher, with 40 percent saying they’d relied on a pantry to meet their food needs.

“Our lines have been longer than ever. We’re seeing more families than we ever saw, and it’s just a consistent volume that is unheard of in over 40 years of existence,” said Judy Secon, deputy executive director at NY Common Pantry, which runs food pantries in East Harlem and the Bronx, as well a hot meals program for people experiencing homelessness.

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